Property Insurance Disputes

Poli, Moon, & Zane is a firm that's highly skilled in understanding the complexities of property insurance policies. Our law firm has successfully handled hundreds of cases involving these disputes.  

Home and Property Owners

We're experienced at representing individual clients against all major property and casualty insurers. We understand that you may feel like going up against an insurer can seem like battling a giant. That's why our law firm is here to help you understand your rights if you feel that a claim has been mishandled.


Unfortunately, insurance companies can misrepresent policies and claims in their own favor. As a result, you may be denied a payout or asked to settle for a minimized payout. Neither of those options will be acceptable if you're entitled to more based on the terms of your policy.


Poli, Moon, & Zane understands that a lack of payout on a policy can have serious financial repercussions for you. That's why we work so hard to ensure that you don't have to wait a minute longer to get the payouts that are owed to you. 


The fact of the matter is that most homeowners who make claims do so during times of duress. In fact, many of our clients seek our help when pursuing claims following natural disasters or catastrophic events. Nobody wants to feel like they are being taken advantage of when they are in a vulnerable position. That's exactly why we work so passionately on behalf of our clients. 


Please don't hesitate to reach out to our law firm today if you're having trouble getting straight answers from an insurer. Let us help you recover the payouts and compensation you’re entitled to receive. 


Book your consultation today! You can also use our chat function below to submit a question right now.


We also routinely provide counsel to insurers looking to prove that they are accurately and wholly executing the terms of their own policies. Our team is skilled at investigating and dissecting policies from all angles. We can also assist with documentation and evidence collection. Our partners have experience in dealing with some of the largest financial institutions and insurers in the country. Let's discuss how we can put those years of experience to work for your company. Reach out today!